Jamming on New Hilltop Park Mosaic

We've got an awesome team here today jamming on our almost ready Hilltop Park mosaic project. This is going to be an enormous bench top for the entry of newly renovated Hilltop Park in the Bayview, Hunters Point neighborhood of San Francisco - 47' long + two 8' end sections. So exciting! More details, info and pictures to come. This is just a sneak peak. We'll be installing next weekend!! 

Heaven on Earth - Pueblo Park Community Mosaic Comes Together

Awesome communities are at it again - coming together to create mosaics for their neighborhoods and having fun while they are at it! Rachel Rodi designed and led this project in a sweet little park in San Rafael, CA, surrounded by 50's style houses and reed filled wetlands home to endangered animals, waterbirds, and prolific families of quail. Over 50 people helped create this 100 sq ft mosaic last weekend that is now a jewel of the neighborhood. It was a dreamy, relaxed time with great neighbors, children, dogs, food and fun! To me, this little corner of the world is truly heaven on earth. 

McLaren's Snake Wall On the Way!


We are working on a 400 square foot community mosaic wall that wraps around the pond at McLaren Park in SF. It honors the endangered and beautiful San Francisco garter snake that once thrived at the park. Check out the great progress we made last weekend! And there are two more weekends to go.
The face of the wall is in stained glass and the top will be in ceramic tile. Stay tuned for more to come. If you'd like to jump in and help make the mosaic, sign up via the Doodle Poll HERE. There is still a lot to do!
Project spearheaded and funded by Help McLaren Park.

Parchester Park Mosaic - Color Explosion!

A blast of color in Richmond! This mural was created with hand made tiles that over 200 local participants made during a huge park renovation day. The mosaic represents the community of Parchester neighborhood and Richmond, CA, empowered and united together, radiating out and making a difference in the world.

Mosaic designed and led by Rachel Rodi. Production assistance by: Carol Bevilacqua, Mark Tabler, Jen ODonnell, Denise Hart and Guy Fuerte. Project commissioned by the Richmond Friends of Recreation and The Trust for Public Land.