Studio Space - Continuity in Change

For the last few years I have been blessed with a beautiful studio space inside of Institute of Mosaic Art, which was passed down to me by my first mosaic teacher, and now colleague and friend, Laurel True. There is a deep history in this space of fantastic art being made and dreams coming to life. So when IMA decided to move to a new location this summer I took the best of all approaches - I went into denial! After reality sunk in about losing my space, burning out my eyes on Craigslist, and a wee bit of panic, the most incredible thing happened. A local artist and long time friend of IMA decided to turn the old IMA, mosaic covered building into Jingletown Art Studios - studio rentals for artists! I am thrilled to say I am their frist tenant, and didn't even have to move in. 

Now it's time to get to the real work and make some mosaics!